What's on your wishlist?
Every change begins with an idea.
Hey folks,
With Spectre creeping forward through its pre-release testing, I'm working hard on leveraging what modern technology has to offer, so as to maximize your convenience without compromising on privacy.
One of those new capabilities is coming in the form of auto-fill:
It's important to recognize that Spectre's auto-fill does not work like ordinary password managers' auto-fill!
Spectre cannot just load your credentials and submit them to the browser or app, your credentials don't exist anywhere on your phone.
Instead, Spectre computes your site's credentials for you, on-the-spot. Zero compromise, all the convenience of modern password auto-fill.
What else is on your wish list? What would make your day easier? Let me know, and tell me about how your life would be made just that bit easier if Spectre could make your wish come true.
Delete your passwords.