Hi there,
Where can the final release of the old Master Password GUI application be found? The canonical link for the latest version https://masterpassword.app/masterpassword-gui.jar redirects to a 404 page on the new site now.
I don't see any releases built on GitLab for either the spectre.app or the MasterPassword orgs
I did try compiling myself but didn't make it very far, there's an open issue about this that looks like it could use help https://gitlab.com/spectre.app/desktop/-/issues/1
I was able to find Master Password GUI version 2.7.12 located here https://gitlab.com/MasterPassword/MasterPassword/-/raw/gh-pages/masterpassword-gui-2.7.12.jar - does this represent the latest version of the program? Might be worth noting that this version throws some errors on startup indicating that it's cut off from Spectre updates:
State [WARN ] Couldn't check for version update.
java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://spectre.app/masterpassword-gui.jar.rev
Edit: found the answer here https://chat.spectre.app/d/87-windows-client/5 thanks again for your work